Victims of the Uniparty

Everyone has an opinion. Some people think big enough to have morals and philosophies that cover many or most situations in life, government and politics. In the US, we have functioned pretty well with a so-called two-party system. The opinions and actions of both parties have changed over the decades. Mostly, the Democratic party was the party of the left that generally wanted to stay in power by making changes frequently, giving money and power away to garner votes in elections. The Republicans were generally the party of structure and thoughtful policies intended to keep the society running on a stable, durable, even keel.

Since the early 2000’s the Dem’s have concentrated on building their power by giving attention and some power to select minority groups in order to try to keep them as a solid reliable voting block in elections. That policy has morphed somewhat from just Blacks and Hispanics to many sexual and social minorities that prosper by destroying the existing social fabric. Historically, the Democrats claimed to be the party that cared about the poor and working people. Therefore they always supported unions and claimed to attack business as a parasite on the value created by the workers. Curiously in this century the Democrats have become the party of big money and big business as discreetly as possible stepping on the average citizen’s rights and possibilities. Dem’s are now paid by big and international business forgetting their alleged reputation to take care of the downtrodden.

100 years ago Republicans were aligned with business and the wealthy to build the country. So that people like Ford could build car companies and Carnegie could have steel mills and Rockefeller could make kerosene and then gasoline to light and move the country. 150 years later, the power from industry and in society has morphed into electronic, online and virtual enterprises that have made manufacturing employment passe’ and grabbed most of the Zeitgeist in the country. Since the Silicon Valley companies make their money by pushing change, innovation and social churn they are much less part of the philosophy of the Republicans. So in 2023 the traditional roles of the parties have been reversed in that the republicans are the party out of the money and representing the interest of the common people and the Democrats are building a Fascist empire recycling tax money in collusion with the electronic media and select small but vocal minorities based on income, class, and social status.

Curiously this leaves the population in turmoil as the old labels and beliefs do not fit the two parties as they exist. As the historical minorities have gotten more educated and richer they find a real attraction to having safe cities, better education, and entrepreneurial opportunities. Conversely, the wealthy and socially elite gravitate to the Democrat party, supposedly to help, now sexual and political, minorities. Curiously, the Dem’s efforts to help “all” Americans always seems to give themselves more money and power to strangle discourse, to limit freedom and punish regular Americans that want order and upward mobility.

We have seen the Party of the left, (formerly the party of the working man) step on the rights, and power of the regular working people time after time to prop up or even pay off the rich and powerful. Even the skilled union members now support republicans. Obviously, Dem’s do not care for the little guy, but care about raising the taxpayers’ costs, to support those who are enriched by the growing National Debt and lust for control over their industry or their territory.

Even more worser, especially after the last two presidential elections, it appears that both parties are in an unholy alliance against any outsider to keep and improve their strangle hold on power. The latest revelations of the FBI acting as the Gestapo with the Silicon Valley firms is just another indicator that the United States is being run not by Republican and Democrats, but in fact by a Uniparty of insiders. The Uniparty struggles against those who are not worthy of being powerful or even successful in a world micromanaged by big government. The suppression is enforced against the electronic media by insider’s threat of cancelling their exemption from lawsuit for content. It appears this dictatorial ambition is outlined most closely by the Davos people: who want to restructure society with most people of all races as serfs or robots that don’t fight or rebel making life stable and secure for those with lots of assets. Typical Davos types would be Bill Gates and John Kerry. “Who obviously deserve to be in charge and telling everyone else what is good for them.”

So in simple words, both parties seem to be morphing into a Uniparty of the rich and connected to take from the workers and owners to give to those that already have, but are insecure.