Victims of Chinese Propaganda

Our national security forces have been warning since the 2016 election that both Russia and China are heavily invested in propaganda campaigns that seek to divide and aggravate Americans against each other. While the alleged “Russia Collusion” hunt turned up only that Russia spent 6 million dollars total on Facebook to create fights between blacks and whites in the US. (Apparently, they were not sure what either candidate would do, but if they could destroy the US from the inside, they would have made progress.) Six million was spent every day of the campaign by both the candidates.

Since those good old days, the Chinese have gone way beyond those stodgy Russians in both volume and sophistication. Not only did they invent and now run TikTok, but they are spending tens of millions on Facebook, Google and their social media subsidiaries to create posts and comments that pit one American group against another. They do not try to convince anyone that  life under their tyranny would be any better. They see the cheapest way to take over the world is to have the world’s biggest influencer destroy itself by infighting and they can wait for the smoke to clear. This is cheaper and safer than a shooting war because even with a Chinese first strike the response would be devastating to China. By enlisting the gullible, they can sit back and enjoy the show as they turn “Freedom of speech” into self-annihilation.

Let’s consider the practical effects of their effort: What are the issues that have excited the gullible in the country. BLM and DIE, Global warming, Sexual identities and now the plight of the Hamas terrorists in Gaza. All of these themes are fostered as part of the old Communist logic of divide and conquer.

BLM and DIE – Since the Obama administration, the alleged threat of “white supremacy” took over what was an improving society. The propaganda was that police were assassinating black folks every day and that White Christian Nationalists were going to overrun the country. This lasted until the favored minority groups realized they were being replaced by illegal aliens.* Now the “folks” especially in the big cities are protesting against the politicians that a couple years ago swore they would save them from the evil white (or Orange) man.


Global warming – While the earth may be slightly warmer than it was 50 years ago, will anyone notice one degree of warmth over the next 100 years? But this claim gives willing, soulless people a cause to trumpet. The protestors can prove they are better than those cruel, ignorant people who just want to live their lives, go to work and pay their taxes. While the US has led the first world in deceasing CO2 emissions since 2010, China is building a new coal fired power plant ever three weeks. The Chinese produce about 50% of all the pollution in the world today… But social media says it is all America’s fault and we are all going to die. The actual day of our demise however, keeps moving further and further away. BTW: If the US disappeared tomorrow, the temperature rise, based on the advocates own research, would still go up that degree in 100 years.

Sexual Identities – How rich and bored is a civilization that makes their sexual fantasies the most important part of their everyday life? People around the world are dying from insect bites and being worked to death in Chinese and African prison camps, but Americans worry about their pronouns. Those pronouns that now can change with the seasons. This has been one of the biggest successes of the TikTok generation. What better way to shock and differentiate yourself from your parents and old people than to flaunt your fetishes.

Supporting terrorists – In the last year or two the old Communist trope of the rich oppressor squashing the poor helpless oppressed victim has been turned to support the Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Without getting into the details it becomes rather incredible that a group that has been killing Israelis for the last 20 years and was part of three wars to kill all the Jews over the last 50 years is a persecuted minority. By this definition, Elliott Ness was a mass murderer and Babyface Nelson was the oppressed hillbilly.

What do all these heart-rending issues have in common? They represent a way for lost souls to have an identity that according to them, makes them superior to the crude old values of their parents and grandparents. The main-stream-media gives them shocking topics to keep their publications alive in an era where peace, prosperity and long life have made those people over 40 passive and lazy.

What then is the cure for these brainwashed (mostly young) people struggling for a worthwhile identity? The first step is for them to understand they have been brainwashed using their own egos to motivate their destructive behavior. For attitudes to change the first step is for these frustrated (most young, impressionable, self-conscious) people to understand they have been played are being used as international pawns to destroy the country that gives them the rights and prosperity to act stupid.

Rather than call them brave or intellectual let’s just face the fact they are rudderless souls in search of meaning and have become the victims of Chinese brainwashing. They will not like it nor accept it at first, but facing the true source of their ideas and beliefs will begin to get these rebels to think through their behavior.

Beyond just helping them understand they have been duped, there has to be a cause that these people can get behind, support and claim their own identity. Most of them will not become fabulously rich entrepreneurs, but they could be leaders in their community and even overseas (like the old Peace Corps) making life better for other humans. For that we need politicians and civic leaders with morals, intelligence and courage. That is probably the biggest shortage in America today.