It ain’t just the kids

We are all getting dumber…and less capable of taking care of ourselves. Yes, it is our own fault, but if you want to blame something or somebody else, rather than deflate your ego admitting laziness and too much privilege, you will find those excuses here, to “make the medicine go down.”

The main reason we are getting less and less competent and sicker is that we have had life so good and so easy for so long that we are not only spoiled, but like those “special” people that used to work for the federal government; we thought we deserved all these luxuries and benefits.

Just to stay on what we hear playing out among the laid off federal government employees: “We never had to worry about our payroll, our pension, our insurance, our healthcare…” So what did they do beside while away the hours online or in social sex circles?

How many of them spent the 94% of their paid time off to go to college and get better educated? Even if  just to get a higher paying job in credential obsessed DC? How many even went to the gym to burn the calories that accumulated from sitting and munching. I bet less than 10% of these “employees” could even name 5 self-improvement actions they took in the last week or maybe even the last month. So we get, as one famous Army general said: “Stuck on stupid.”

The federal employees are just the tip of the iceberg. Look at our schools. Not only can our children not read, write or calculate, they have no sense of history or values. Each one of these topics merit a detailed analysis: but the overarching theme is that we have had life so good, for so long we have become victims of our prosperity. Not just that we all have more money than is good for us, like those former Fed’s above we just take it for granted. Now we are “entitled.”

When we can’t fix: our lives, our homes or our accounting the first action we take, (after prolonged, profane complaining) is turn to the government for relief. Thus communism is made. Do you think that it is an accident that Chinese money and propaganda is boosting the sex craziness online? Who is underwriting the anti-American pro-Muslim terrorist rhetoric in colleges? China has long ago decided they could not confront the US militarily head on. Their best way to overcome us is to use our Achilles heel, our “guaranteed free speech” coupled with the internet to deteriorate our society. The have been seriously outspending the Russians when it comes to online disinformation and propaganda. Their tactic is not to simply defile the United States, but rather to create division and dissension among the various ethnic and belief groups in order to create chaos internally.

Americans are  getting lazier and testy with each other about which version of life and government looks safer and more reliable. The Trump regime has put a kink in the Chinese plan, but the Chinese think and plan in terms of generations and centuries.

Perhaps the brightest spots in the new government are Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Pete Hegseth. Both of them are dedicated to making America healthier both in body and in spirit. America was conceived as the only country in the world based on ideas (the constitution) not on ethnic heritage, or strict geography. Recently, we have had to fight off millions of Obama-Biden illegal immigrants. Most of these flooded in not because we looked like them or spoke like them or liked their food, they gambled their lives to get into the one country in the world that gave them the best chance of peace and prosperity. They know what the other governments offer and have gambled their lives to make a better life for themselves and their families. They want into America so bad that the Mexican mobsters built a multibillion-dollar business on it.

This current administration may be the country’s last chance to avoid being lulled by our riches into the privilege calls that clamor for Totalitarians to “make everything fair” because we do not want to do the work to keep our country great.