Israel has it wrong!

Israel is a very nice country, especially considering the neighborhood they live in. I do not criticize the way they run their military operations, which seem to be very effective. Nor do I want to criticize the way their top political people deal with other countries or the opposition talkers and writers. Israel has one of the freest societies in the world and nearly 20% of its citizens are Muslims including members of its congress. OK, OK, what am I complaining about?

Their PR operation is misguided. Of course Israelis are dealing with facts on the ground as the videos leak out of infantile children being tortured, baked alive and beheaded, but they have completely the wrong theme dealing with media.

The people in Gaza have been lied to, cheated on and treated like dirt by the very politicians they elected in 2006. Not only are all the Hamas “big Guys” lying, stealing their money and food, but the masters of Hamas will not even live in Gaza, because they are afraid of being assassinated by the people they are supposed to be helping.  Life and justice in Gaza is determined by your loyalty to the party as opposed to western values. While there is a war going on there now, historically Hamas has killed more Gazans than the Israeli’s.

Let’s just go back in history:

The land of Israel was started about 3500 years ago by a guy named Abram and had various governments waxing and waning since then. Certainly the Arbs who later adopted Islam at the threat of the sword, lived in the same desert area. In 1968 the UN and the big 5 nations running it agreed that the areas should be defined as countries. While they drew the boundaries from Europe, the people living anywhere in the area did not have any control over what country they  would live in.

The Arab Muslims have always been insulted and viciously vengeful against the Israeli’s because the UN and the Balfor proclamation officially, legally recognized non Islam-believers in their midst. So they went to war to destroy the new guys. Miraculously all three Muslim wars to eliminate the new kids failed, aggravating the gang around the area even more.

Driven by embarrassment for their own incompetence, the Gazans substituted the religious fervor of death to all infidels to whine, growl and threaten their neighbors. The world generally and Europe outstandingly has been very generous sending money and merchandise to Gaza to help these folks become a real country. As in most third world cases, the warlords stole as much of the aid as they could and used much of the rest to build weapons and an army to fight the next war against Israel and Western values. The top three, multi-billionaire Hamas leaders live in Qatar in palatial hotel complexes. Israel has offered 5 times to pay the Arabs, give them land, feed them, provide water, electricity and health care and 5 times the Muslims said, “Go to Hell.” Since Yassar Arafat, the inventor of international terrorism died, the splinter groups that “Fatah” had beaten into submission have revived and decided to compete to be the most blood thirsty. BTW, Hamas followed the Muslim rule on elections: You get to vote once. Once you vote for a Muslim government, you have decided, that is all the democracy you get.

The right theme and philosophy

Given this background what should be the Israeli PR strategy and theme? “Israel is coming to liberate Gaza.” The IDF will encourage the citizens of Gaza to move from their terrorist assigned places to get out of the way of the coming military fight. Hamas “fighters” are currently shooting those Gazans that are trying to walk to the South where the population is sparser and the fighting is very limited. Israel is working with international aid groups to funnel the food, water and medicine to southern Gaza as they work to eliminate the terrorist that have been beating and intimidating the beleaguered citizens in the North. As conditions permit, Israel has assigned their troops to protect the refugees from the Hamas assassination gangs as the Gazans move South.  allow.

So far, Israel has not destroyed the hospitals in Northern Gaza even though the terrorists long ago took over the hospitals and build their command-and-control headquarters under the hospitals. Israel will call upon the other Muslim Arab countries in the area to create and maintain a safe corridor for regular, unarmed citizens to move out of the war zone to Southern Gaza where Egypt has graciously allowed truckloads of food and medical aid to enter the country. This will in no way obligate the other Arab countries to take Gazans into their own country, but it will prove their humanitarian desires.

As the various dungeons are liberated and the records of the brutalization that has kept Hamas in power since 2005 are uncovered, these stories of the atrocities that Hamas has done to their own people will be given to the world press. Current media reports have shown Hamas troops seizing food water and medicine donated for the refugees in the South. They also have confiscated fuel oil that was sent from Israel to the hospital in northern Gaza. If the media critics of Israel were stationed at the hospital, they would get a first-hand picture of what is really going on there. You can understand the people of Gaza need to be liberated from Hamas and friends.

Another wonderful PR opportunity would be having Shariah Talib of the American congress to be the temporary overlord of Gaza after all trace of Hamas and the other terrorist organizations are removed. The new female grand Overlord would be responsible for every dollar of aid and construction as well as the setting up of a temporary government with the public inspection. Any aid stolen or misappropriated will be the fault of the new temporary Overlord. Aid will only given to abused Gazans and none to the deposed leaders or terrorists of any affiliation. Once Gazans are liberated, the area can become as rich and advanced a civilization as Israel if the Gazan people want to work and cooperate rather than complain, argue and plot revenge instead of making a better life for themselves.