Another great protest season!

What does this year’s rebellion by the spoiled children in colleges teach us? Not much more than our children are coddled, brainwashed tools of the biggest pile of foreign money. Or that young people feel lifeless, listless and lost without any solid religious base or philosophy, but most worstest that our education system has corrupted multiple generations with their leftist training and logic.

Of course all children want to rebel (in some way) against their parents or the old traditions. The Soros money and the contributions from CAIR and China have made it easy for these very smart, very rich, children of privilege to feel good about themselves. They don’t risk much except their time getting out of class. This comes with the bonus that they can claim the studying, final exams and even the school they attend are part of the patriarchy that has corrupted the world, so they do not have to do the work. Don’t look for long term logic here. This childishness is more about having youthful energy and imagination that has to come out. In one way, they are better off protesting when there are no legal or societal consequences than they were getting repeatedly stoned or having rampant sex which eventually meant they had to kill the babies produced.

Of course the education establishment is preaching and teaching communist ideas (besides crazy sexualization) to youngsters from kindergarten up. I listened again to part of Yuri Bezmanoff explaining the Russian propaganda plan effected over the last 50 years (below) and it was scary to hear how they have succeeded. It was scary to me and even to him, because he defected to the US after retiring from the KGB in hope of living in a free country.

39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America – Big Think

The real problem is the same cause for the failure of Socialism and Communism around the world. Some people have to be in charge. Many people rank their life by how much power they have over others as equal to or even more important than the amount of money they have. This describes many of, if not most of the Davos people. Our government employees with guaranteed jobs have no limitation on what they can preach and teach. Teachers directed by the power crazed unions, pump anti-democracy into your children’s ABC’s and Adding and Subtracting. The more chaos in society the more power for the apparatchiks.

This is the basic problem of human nature. Even in the 21st century much of the world is run by local warlords at the threat of death and dismemberment. While we “civilized” people claim we would never want to have rule by terror, survey after survey says people prefer to have someone take care of them rather than run for office or in some way be responsible for their community. The folks in the third world (with Islam being the obvious test case) have decided a predictable controlled life is happier even better for them. No matter how many have to die to maintain the status quo or whatever the poverty they live in. The number one fear of nearly all humans is losing control. The need for a regular, predictable, mostly understandable set of rules (no matter how coercive or arbitrary) is better than having to face the chaos of Democracy and paying your own way for most people.

The US and democracies have generally allowed the super driven to focus their control driven energy on making money and not corrupt the culture at large (capitalism). We seem to be losing that moral battle, at least right now. Ssince most First World people have food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and access to entertainment their lusts are still craving more. Part of this is the sexual confusion for attention. More dangerous stuff for thrills is trying to take over governments.

The lust for ultimate power can be through established government channels (Putin, Xi and Davos) or by spreading their money around (China, Soros, the Rockefeller foundation, Wahabi Muslims) or just plain violence (Hamas, Myanmar, Taliban). By definition, if you are powerful you must control, threaten and kill other people. Those are just the rules of the game.

While Democracy (mostly American style) has led to freedom, prosperity and long life in the western world there is no guarantee that freedom and prosperity will continue without the intelligent, active participation of the masses. The children in our colleges have had lots of school time, but do not understand the main rules of human nature (that would be too religious). The rest of us either have to train them or resign ourselves to live like the Russians or worse like the Afghans. Americans cannot just be takers, we have to be teachers and acters in our society for our own survival.