Real Affirmative Racism

You may have heard there was a complaint session in the media about the use of our national laws to promote “underserved and underappreciated people” with the force of the government. The arguments got so heated that AOC came out of her rent-controlled apartment to criticize the Supreme court using 4 and 5 syllable words. That took a lot. So you can see she was really, really upset. The two female Supreme court justices who owe their positions to the racist affirmative action of the Obama regime were also present complaining that life is mean and America needs more welfare. And they need to sell books.

Given these very important peoples’ acknowledgement, here is a superior way to actually follow through in the spirit of Ibrahim Kendi the winner of the Al Sharpton racist crown. People should realize that there are many persecuted minority groups in our country and the only fair way for a totalitarian government to deal with them is to as Kendi has stated, apply racism to overcome racism.

Here is the plan for real conservative people that want to make America a better, more equitable place in the long run. Simply apportion the roles of the public by their share of population and make those that have been made the “winners of life’s lottery” do their fair share to repay their debt to today’s America for their sins, current and historical.

Where do we begin? Let’s start with college admission: The big money colleges are hellbent on keeping the rich children rich and the hard-working people hard working. One logical way to spread the wealth that so many under privileged children have been cheated out of… would be to enforce affirmative racism on the most expensive colleges. They have profited the most from their racism. For example: Harvard has an endowment (donated money, in the bank) of about $60 billion. All that money from the intellectuals and tainted industrial capitalists that has been stockpiled to make sure their own children and grandchildren can get first place in line ahead of regular working people. So how do we fix it? Harvard will award 28% of the new student openings to children from the public schools of stressed cities. These under-served students’ tuition and board will be paid from the college’s endowment. In this way these victims of the teacher’s union and the corrupt local Democrat governments will be able to get “Gentleman’s C’s” and get jobs with the biggest and best-known companies around the world leveling the economic playing field.

Of course, another aspect of prejudice is the way the professors and staffs at these super wealthy colleges, like Yale, treat the underprivileged students. So hiring and retention of these major college employees will be based on the satisfaction surveys of the students, parents and the employers of the graduates. (Something like the Chinese Social credit system). This will allow these very sophisticated organizations to consider the whole personality of their graduates and tune their teaching methods to make the economy and country stronger. Not treat the students like slaves as their founders did.

Another issue that has boomed in the last few years has been the number of Illegal aliens and then the ways to house and care for them as persecuted victims of other governments’ oppression. We can offer a good citizenship incentive to all government employees that make 150% of the average annual wage, which would be about $84,000. The system would ask these dedicated public servants to house at least 4 illegals in their home for at least a year at a time. They would get $100 per week per person for the persecuted immigrant’s food, clothing and shelter. No government employee would be ordered to do this charitable work or punished directly for not offering to help the country and their fellow man. The employee’s amount of service to the collective though will be taken into consideration for any pay increases and promotion efforts.

Just as the government controls speech using online and social media sites, the entertainment media must be realigned to reflect the best wishes of those sensitive souls. For instance: What is more racist in entertainment than the National Football league?? The millions going to or watching professional football will admit that the multi-millionaire players are all of one ethnic group. Grossly unfair! In order to help even out that income distribution of America the team rosters must be assigned by population segment. So 5% of the team should be Asian, 14% of the teams be Black and 14%, Hispanic, 2% of the teams should be LGBT, 2% would be Muslim—-and the rest must be Caucasian to reflect the composition of the country at large. In this way the billions of dollars that are spent on football can be spread around more equitably to all the people.

Likewise the National Basketball Association has become a racist fortress and needs to have the teams and their staffs better organized to reflect the composition of society at large. This will likely also discourage the NBA from making more money in China than in the US.

Major league baseball has already gotten woke and announced a serious effort to recruit black players to better reflect the image of their consuming audience.

One final cancerous spot on America today is the “homeless population.” How can we be “the shining city on the hill” when thousands of our citizens live in tents and sleep on the sidewalks of our major Democrat run cities? Since the majority of the homeless are Caucasian they should not get welfare, they have been living off the riches created by Black, Chinese, Hispanic and Indian  slaves.

Creative people can take two problems and make a solution: The homeless will not get food delivered to them every day as currently, nor free drugs, free needles or crack pipes unless they work at recycling centers for 6 hours per day. They have plenty of time and recycling the country’s landfills will not require much muscle or training. In this way we can slow global warming, keep our land and waters clean and teach these poor souls a sense of regular productive routines that might lead them to taking jobs in the private sector. That way they can pay taxes to help the homeless.